Go smart

A small shift in how you use energy can make a big difference

There are a lot of small choices you make every day that you hardly notice but make a huge difference in the lives of others. Choices like holding the elevator door open or letting a busy parent check out in front of you at the store. Making small changes in when and how you use energy makes a big difference, too. Especially the choices you make during the mornings and evenings, when energy use spikes. During these times, if you were to shift some of your energy use a little earlier or a little later, you’d help reduce those energy spikes. And with fewer spikes, we can keep prices low and use more renewable energy.

Smart programs that help you save

    For your home

  • Peak Time Rebates

    Peak Time Rebates rewards you for shifting your energy use for a couple of hours on the days when temperatures are unusually hot or cold. By reducing your energy consumption during these peak times, you can save money and keep prices more affordable for the entire community. Find out how it works
  • Smart Thermostats

    If you have central air conditioning, a ducted heat pump or an electric furnace, sign up for our Smart Thermostat program and earn $25 for signing up and $25 for each winter and summer you participate. When energy use spikes, your thermostat will automatically adjust 1 to 3 degrees during peak times while still giving you control of your comfort. As an added benefit, when your thermostat shifts energy away from peak times, you help keep prices low for everyone and enable the use of more renewable energy. Choose your rewards
  • For your Business

  • Energy Partner

    Get paid to use less energy for a few hours during times when everyone else is using more. Energy Partner is an extremely flexible and customizable program with options for every size of business. Find the Energy Partner option that fits your business
  • Connected Water Heaters

    If you’re a landlord or property manager, you and your tenants can benefit from our Connected Water Heater Program. With a simple equipment add-on, PGE will heat the tanks on your property when energy costs are low. Tenants get the same hot water they expect, and you get $20 per participating water heater, per year. Learn how to get started

Smart energy savings

Stay comfortable with our favorite low- and no-cost cost energy savings tips, whether you rent or own your home.
  • Practice thermostat control

    • Avoid trying to heat up a room faster by turning up the thermostat very high. This energy-wasting myth doesn’t make your home warm any faster and just wastes energy. Learn more
    • Upgrade to a smart thermostat. They make saving energy automatic, and our program makes them free. Learn more
    • If you have baseboard heaters or wall heaters, close the door and don’t heat unused rooms, unless they show signs of mold or mildew.
    • If you have a ducted, forced-air system, it’s not a good idea to close off individual registers because it can make your system run less efficiently.
  • What you measure, you can manage

    • Use our free online Energy TrackerSM tool to track your electricity use by hour, day and more.
    • Set up text or email notifications to get weekly estimated bill amounts, high-bill alerts and more.
  • Keep the warm air in

    • Turn off ventilation fans in the kitchen and bathroom after about 10 minutes so they don’t pull the warm air out of your home.
    • Close curtains at night to stop heat loss, and use insulated drapes, especially if you have single-pane windows.
    • Seal air leaks around exterior doors or windows with caulk and weather stripping.
    • Close your fireplace damper and doors when not in use (make sure the fireplace cools completely after a fire before you close the damper).
  • Make your appliances work for you

    • Schedule regular maintenance to help your heating system run more efficiently. Learn more
    • Use the Energy Saver mode on your clothes washer and dishwasher.
    • Wash laundry in cold water.
    • Run your dishwasher only when it’s full and let dishes air dry.
    • Take quick showers instead of baths.

Get more tips on how to stay comfortable for less.

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